Wednesday, November 18, 2009

the noticing of the eye swishing

My friends and family over time have slowly stopped noticining my nystagmus. People that have knowen me for a long time hage grown use to my nystagmus. Also since my nystagmus has gotten better over time the shacking has comened down.
I have to point it out to adult that need to know about my conditions but they say that they didnt even nottice it before I told them. Kids of the age 8-12 on the other hand nottice it first thing and allways ask whats wrong with my eyes. I don't know if kids are more observent or that adults ar just being polite.
I have asthma and I had an asthma attack at an indoor soccer game at my school (intermieral) the teacher called the ambulance and they brought me to the hospetil. Half way throught the ride I figured that I should tell them that I have nystagmus since nystagmus some times can be a sighn of head trauma. The EMT respones was that he didn't think I was drunk and it was wiered that he had notticed it and didn't want toask about it.
When I went to my dental surgen for the first time to get my wisdom teeth taken out, my Mom did all the papper work and she never mentioned any of my vision problems on it. I usualy tell doctors the first time I meet them well I didn't. The doctor had to excuse him self half wy through the appointment for a phone call. I then told my Mom that I should tell the surgen that I have nystagmus. When he came back I told him about my nystagmus. He then had a look of relief on his face. he then went on tell me that he had noticed it and wanted to ask if I had nystagmus because he didn't know that if that i had not been diagnosed with it and was going to recomed me to go see my doctror about it or he didn't know if I didn''t like talking about it. I started to laugh cause my mom was saying we shouldn't tell him since it has nothing to do with my teeth and that he wouldn't even notice it.
When I was working at my grandmother antique store I started to talk to a couple about the proces of looking at colleges and all the stuff to go along with it. The husband then tolled me was a profeesor at a university and he tought medicine. Then my grandmother brought up the fact that I am visouly impaired and the husband looked at me and said "you have nystagmus right? Cause I teach students about nystagmus." I was so shoock that a stranger walkes into the store and knows exacktly what I have. it was one of the strangest things ever.
I went to the doctor for a check up and she called me asked i I didn't mind that if she let the student who is following her for the day to do the check up and then the doctor her self would come in half way and see how she was doing. She wanted this to happen to see if the student could recognize my nystagmus. I have had the same doctor for 14 years so I trusted her, that she wouldn't put me in harms way. I did it and the student didn't notice it. I thought it was great that I could help train a doctor in the feauture to notice it.

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